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Key Benefits - Healing
Agate is a powerful healing stone that can help tone and strengthen the link between mind and body. It is a grounding stone but can also build up energy. Agate can impart a sense of strength ad courage and enhance the ability to discern the truth and accept circumstances. It balances and stabilises the body and can enhance the effects of other stones.
Key Benefits – Truth, Communication, Harmony
Amazonite is a very powerful healing stone, allowing you to express your heart and personal truth with balance and integrity. It also aids with electromagnetic negativity given off by mobile phones, computers and microwaves. It opens and clears the throat chakra to assist those who tend to repress the expression of their own thoughts and feelings due to fear of confrontation or conflict. This stone also assists one in identifying how one's words have created current reality, and how to change one's vocabulary or communication style to reflect a higher, more aligned reality. Can help those who are unclear about what they have to offer the world by gently pointing them toward their gifts and knowledge.
Key Benefits – Light, Warmth, Solar Energies, Clarification, Healing
A fossilized tree sap, Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser. It is a purifier, acting on the energetic, emotional and physical levels to transform negative or stagnant energies into clearer, usable energies. It is an excellent stone to wear during and after illness to aid recovery. Amber can help one find purpose and strength and increase vitality and energy levels. Great if you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It is a manifestation stone, helping you to use your innate abilities to bring about abundance and prosperity.
Key Benefits – Divine Connection, Purification, Protection, Release of Addictions
Amethyst is a great stone to hold during meditation, as it helps quieten the mind, opens the third eye and crown chakra, helping to accelerate contact with spirit and allowing for greater development of psychic abilities.
As it helps to calm the mind and the nervous system, it helps with relieving migraines and headaches.
Key Benefits – Karmic Release, Protection, Transition, Transformation, Personal Growth
Ammonite, also known as Ammolite, is a protective stone that helps to give you stability, and will help you to release negative energy. Helps to heal alot of degenerative problems. It is a great stone for assisting in helping you to move from the old to the new, and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. By using it at the third eye, it allows you to let go of karma, and to release any past life issues.
Key Benefits - Cooling, Soothing, Enhancement of Clear Communication
A very strong throat chakra stone, it promotes communication. It assists in speaking your most deepest and heartfelt truth, and helping to communicate in the most difficult of situations. Aquamarine is a stone of release, freeing oneself of attachments and old patterns, and to let go of the past. Very beneficial during times of grief, helping you to move along.
Key Benefits – Vitality, Growth, Confidence
A variety of quartz, Aventurine helps release anxiety, and create optimism and love of life. They aid you to manifest prosperity and will help you to deal with inner child anxiety caused by childhood problems.
Green Aventurine assists one in finding hope, joy and optimism in daily life. Aventurine helps us to release attachments to past events and to embrace change, growth and renewal.
Key Benefits - Insight, vision, intuition, intellect
The stone of inner vision, Azurite opens and clears the third eye and crown chakras, stimulating psychic and intuition, and aligning inner vision to higher guidance. It helps with learning, memorising, writing and other tasks that focus on orderly presentation and integration of information. Azurite helps to identify and overcome the fears that may be perpetuating untruthful or deceptive behavioural patterns. It is said to be helpful in all issues of the brain and head including migraines and vertigo
Key Benefits - Inner Strength, Focused Attention, Willpower, Self-Mastery, Discipline, Reason
A stone of inner strength and grounding, Onyx is known to provide balance and harmony to the wearer. It is thought to boost the memory and increase one's attention to detail, therefore making it an ideal stone for those needing to focus alot ie students and teachers. Onyx has been traditionally used to build up physical strength and vitality after illness or energy depleting activities. It assists to focus on physical goals such as weight loss and exercise. Onyx helps calms nerves, anxiety & hot tempers.
Key Benefits – Strength, Courage, Purification, Vitality
As the name suggests, this stone is a great blood cleanser and purifier. A grounding stone, it provides great strength and stamina to the body, instilling courage and self confidence to be true to ones heart. As well as aiding the blood, this stone also helps heal the kidneys, bladder, liver and intestines. Bloodstone helps heighten intuition and increase creativity, reduce confusion, and bring calm. It can provide support to persevere in difficult situations and assist with decision making.
Key Benefits – Enhancement of Mind, Communication
Resonating strongly with the neck area and throat chakra, it gently facilitates the communication of vision and knowledge to others, allowing you to use words that express precisely what you wish to communicate. It can also help with meditation due to its calming effect on the mind. Blue Topaz are also know to aid with enhancing creativity, clearing the way if you are experiencing creative blocks.
Key Benefits – Problem solving, Energising, Enhances Creativity
The crystal properties of this stone aids in helping to find solutions to problems, and to be clear about the action you need to take to move forward once you are aware of the solution. The energy of these stones stimulates the crown chakra as well as energizing the entire auric field. Botswana Agate has a good energy within the sacral chakra that helps to enhance your creativity by aiding you to let go of emotional issues that have been blocking your creativity.
Key Benefits – Calming, Keeps you in the Present, Communication
A very soothing stone, Chalcedony will help to keep you calm in stressful situations that can make life difficult. Its strong crystal properties can help to calm anger, aid you emotionally and can assist with enhancing your creativity. The balancing nature of the stone can help to keep you in the present moment, without overly concerning yourself with what tomorrow might bring. With its strong connection to higher realms, this stone can help with the development of your psychic gifts.
Key Benefits – Courage, Vitality, Sexuality, Confidence, Action
Carnelian is a stone of action, helping us to 'take the leap' and manifest our thoughts and desires. It helps one to overcome fear and to embrace change and transformation. It is a stone of leadership and courage. Carnelian strengthens and fortifies the physical body, bringing vitality and detoxification. It works on the lower three chakras, (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus). It is a very strong healing stone for stimulating the sexual and reproductive areas within the lower two chakras.
Key Benefits – Communication, Goddess Energies, Gentleness and Power
A highly loving stone, empowering of the feminine goddess energies, it will aid and allow change into your life. It facilitates the expression of our hearts deepest truth and our minds greatest knowledge. Being linked strongly with the throat and heart chakras, it allows communication form the heart. Its calming, soothing energy helps to release stress, anxiety and fear based imbalances in the body.
Key Benefits - Growth and wisdom through inner work, Safe Travel, Protection
Dendritic Agate creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. It helps deepen your connection to earth and brings stability in times of strife or confusion. Lends perseverance and the ability to see difficulties as a challenge. Opens and aligns the chakras. Its energies encompasses the vibration of the light and the dark and brings about magic and good luck, helping to boost intuition and other psychic gifts. It has a shamanistic vibration and its energy can encourage out of body experiences.
Dendritic Agate resonates with blood vessels and nerves. It heals the nervous system and conditions such as neuralgia. Treats skeletal disorders. Reverses capillary degeneration and stimulates the circulatory system. Provides pain relief
Key Benefits – Love, Positivity, Clarity
This stone opens up the heart area, and is known as the stone for 'successful love'. It helps to eliminate negativity and create positive actions and outcomes. Helps to improve memory and gives clarity.
Key Benefits - Self Love, Fulfilling our Hearts desires, Giving and Receiving Love
Working very closely with the heart, this stone allows us to find and follow our true hearts path. By connecting the heart with our base chakras, it helps to unify the hearts yearning with our actual physical life, and helps to align what we must do with what we dream of doing. It is a great help to those wanting to receive and express more love, especially self love and acceptance. It produces an elevation of both beta and alpha brain waves, which aids creativity and stimulates clairaudient gifts, ESP, and telepathy. Wearing Eudialyte will bring about a feeling of synchronicity to your life.
Key Benefits – Stone of Commitment, Emotional Healing, Self-Worth, Strength, Security
A protective and grounding stone, it is very soothing to the emotions and helps to align and strengthen the physical and emotional self. It aids prosperity and the enjoyment of worldly pleasures. Known as the 'Stone of Commitment', it helps relationships by stimulating commitment to your partner. It is a useful tool for manifestation, helping to ground ones dreams and desires in the physical realm. It is known to promote good health and assist in healing disorders of the heart, spinal deficiencies, cells, blood and lungs. It also helps regenerate the body, balance sexual energy and repair and protect DNA structure
Key Benefits: Protective, Purifying, Love Energies
Green Amethyst is a light green coloured version of the quartz- based Amethyst gemstone, which is more usually a violet colour. Green Amethyst jewellery carries the same energies as any Amethyst jewellery and works with the Etheric Chakras. It is a spiritual gem that has a protective and purifying nature. A natural stress reliever, Amethyst jewellery can encourage inner strength and its strong healing powers can transform negative energy to love energy.
Key Benefits – Alignment of Chakras, Heart Chakra, Stability and Balance
Green Kyanite helps to align the Heart Chakra as well as bringing all of the chakras into alignment, both with each other and with nature and the world in which we live. Its energy within the heart chakra and higher heart chakra works very well to bring adaptability and stability to your life. It will help you to be more balanced when or if any psychic abilities begin to open.
Key Benefits – Spiritual Grounding, Protects Aura from negative energies penetrating, Balancing
Hematite is a strong spiritual grounding stone that assists one in carrying very high frequency energies while still remaining connected to the Earth and ones body. It encompasses both yin and yang energies, encouraging balance, integration and a resolution of polarities. Hematite is excellent for energetic support of recovery from any ailment of the blood or blood production. It also has a strong protective vibration, and aids in stimulating the mind, enhancing memory and evoke deep thought. It dissolves negativity and prevents any unwanted energies from entering the aura, and helps to overcome addictions too.
Key Benefits - Masculine energy, Manifestation, Action, Vitality, Willpower, Creativity, Confidence
Irons Pyrite helps us to take action and create abundance and prosperity in our life. It is warming and stimulating and encourages us to be more dynamic and creative. It is an excellent stone for manifestation and aids in grounding higher knowledge into action. Irons Pyrite increases stamina and enhances physical performance.
It is a strong Solar Plexus Chakra stone, enhancing your masculine vibration and energetically balancing both sexes.
Key Benefits - Inner bridges, Psychic Ability, Connecting with Nature, Past-Life Recall, Telepathy, Empathy
Blue Kyanite is a stone of connection, of building bridges of light between disparate aspects of experience. This bridging is healing for blockages in the energetic field, emotional blocks between people and energy gaps caused by physical trauma. Blue Kyanite will help you to forge your own unique path, strengthening intuition, bringing together skills and knowledge and cutting through uncertainty. It enhances telepathy, psychic ability and energy transfer, and can assist in creating new neural path ways around damaged areas.
Key Benefits – Enhances Psychic Powers, Protection
Labradorite activates the inner eye allowing one to more clearly envision the past, future, and distant places. It can assist one in moving into alternate levels of consciousness and vibration, helping one to consciously 'move between the worlds. Assisting with the manifestation of serendipity and synchronicity, Labradorite shows us the wonderful opportunities that arise when we are in harmony with all our aspects, both mundane and spiritual.
If worn as earrings, it assists with Clairaudience, as a Ring it can enhance the sending of energy from the hands, and if as a pendant or Necklace, it will enhance abilities such as psychic Clairvoyant gifts, communication with guides and other spiritual gifts.
Labradorite is a gemstone of strength and benefits from both the Sun and Moon energies. The stone can strengthen the wearer's intuition, stimulate imagination, heightens enthusiasm and new ideas. Labradorite is known to protect and clear the aura and balance energy. The stone is known to protect the wearer against any negative influences and provide stamina.
Key Benefits - Inner vision, Truthful Communication, Royal Virtues
Lapis Lazuli is a stone of reflection and self knowledge. It activates the higher mind and psychic abilities and has traditionally been used to assist one in connecting with the gods and invoking divine inspiration. Lapis Lazuli helps to create a clearer perspective on ones life and assists with the identification of habits, patterns or lessons that may be blocking ones spiritual progress. It can uncover the karmic roots of illness and highlight where one might be self sabotaging ones healing.
Lapis Lazuli is known as the "Royal stone", symbolisation of love, spiritual well-being, affection, harmony and healing powers. In ancient history Lapis Lazuli gemstone was used for its high healing powers to protect against intermittent health problems such as fevers and eye infections. Lapis Lazuli was known to transmit love with confidence.
Key Benefits - Calming, Soothing to the Emotional Body, Enhanced Communication, Feminine Power, Connection with Goddess Energies.
Larimar assists to communicate ones emotions and boundaries to others and help give the strength and emotional stability to speak from the heart. Larimar teaches one to love, nurture and respect one's self and is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer. It can be useful for phobias, panic attacks, stress related imbalances, excessive anger and fear. Larimar is valuable during pregnancy, birth & post-partum and allows both men and women to connect with their feminine, intuitive, receptive aspects. It is a strong Throat Chakra stone, bringing the powers of clear communication, and assisting contact with the Goddess. By accessing the Divine Feminine, you can soothe and heal your emotions and relieve stress.
Key Benefits - Enlightened Leadership, Creativity, Confidence, Psychic Protection, Healed Heart
Malachite is an excellent stone for strengthening the physical heart as well as the emotional aspect of the heart. It is one of the most important stones for Psychic Protection and having it within your aura will promote a strong protective energy. Malachite also strengthens our ability to take action in the world and to create and manifest form from our thoughts and ideas. It can help one find the resolve to overcome difficulty and the integrity to stay true to ones direction. It also reveals energetic and emotional boundaries and allows us to honour those boundaries within ourselves and others.
Key Benefits - Transformational, Chakra Activation, Cleansing, Rapid Spiritual Evolution, Protection, Increased incidence of Synchronicities
Moldovite is one of the highest energy crystals out on the market. It is a powerful catalyst for making major breakthroughs in your life on all levels. You can achieve rapid transformation, especially if you are on a spiritual journey, and make amazing changes to your life - the transforming power of this stones vibration will sweep through your life. It facilitates the revitalization and acceleration of ones path of personal evolution. Its vibration tends to focus in areas where one has blockages or wounds, first clearing these areas and then moving into resonance with ones entire energetic system. Moldavite brings to the surface that which you most need to recognise, honour, integrate or clear. It is a powerful aid for meditation and dream work.
Key Benefits - Balancing, Soothing and Calming, Promotes Inner Peace, Intuition and Creativity, Self Discovery, Intuition, Insight, Dreams, The Goddess
Moonstone is a stone of feminine energies, and helps to balance the masculine/feminine vibrations within the body. It reflects the within it the magical healing qualities of the moons vibration. Its a great stone that will help women to embrace their own personal power.
Moonstone encourages us to pay attention to the cycles of our lives and to celebrate the milestones and rites of passage each new cycle brings. It teaches us to let go of frustrations and to surrender to the flow of the natural progress and to nurture ourselves in accordance to the current stage of ones creation. Moonstone connects us with deep intuition and psychic awareness, and allows us to embrace the ebb and flow of the moon. It is believed to be helpful in stabilizing female hormones and males to become attuned to subtle hormonal shifts during the different moon phases.
It is also known for its soothing and calming properties. This precious stone is known to attract positive energy, promote inner peace, intuition and creativity. The moonstone is also known to reduce tension and anxiety, particularly in relation to the variation of hormones.
Key Benefits - Improves Relationships, Clarity
Mystic Topaz is a White Topaz treated by titanium vapour to imbue the stone with a permanent rainbow of colours.
Topaz is said to promote the successful completion of endeavours; it also improves relationships through better quality and clarity of communication and understanding. Insight gained through the influence of topaz encourages clarity and a deeper understanding of ones self and the areas around personal expansion and growth.
Clearer thinking improves overall health, and the ability to trust others is encouraged as clarity provides understanding and insight into those around you.
The healing properties of the white topaz include easing the stress of being unheard and bringing colour and light to shadow places in the mind.
It is believed to be able to protect against harm, heal disturbing emotions and strengthen faith and spirituality.
Key Benefits - A very emotionally responsive Stone
Opal stone meaning foster love, passion, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional expressiveness, warmth, spontaneity and dramatic ability. Opal also associated with peace, and consciousness. Sometimes considered unlucky, but this is only because modern people fear their emotional side. Its a very emotionally responsive stone. Opal is considered the birthstone of October. It is also the theme gift for the 14th and 18th wedding anniversaries.
For those who believe in the healing power of stones, opal is good for eye infections and diseases, as well as the enhancement of other healing processes.
Key Benefits - Increase, prosperity, warmth, well-being
Birthstone for August, Peridot has a strong energy that is like a beam of sunshine in your life. A wonderful stone of abundance and manifestation of things like love, good health and even money. Its energy is warm and powerful and is connected to the Heart and Solar Plexus.
It helps remove blockages to receiving, opening you up to accept your birthright of abundance in all areas of life. Peridot is a very positive stone, bringing an inner sense of warmth and wellbeing, alleviating feelings of low self esteem or guilt. It can help to support the heart and circulation.
Key Benefits - Insight, intuition, increased power of the will, precognition, inter-dimensional travel, self transformation
Pietersite is also called Tempest Stone because its energy feels like a thunderstorm, clearing away blockages and activating the mind and imagination, stimulating psychic vision and telepathy. It helps us to find new directions in life and gives us the courage to take action and make changes. It is thought to be useful for stimulating the nerves and the brain.
It stimulates pre-cognition and activates both your imagination and your mental abilities. This stone has a strong energy that brings together the energy of the solar plexus chakra and the third eye chakra. From the solar plexus comes the energy of your will-power, and this stone helps you to use your will within the third eye chakra. The ability to use your intuition is strengthened by the energy of Pietersite, and it aids you with inter-dimensional travel because you can use your will to decide to make it happen.
Key Benefits - Inner peace, union of the heart and the will, communication with non-physical beings.
Prehnite known as the stone of unconditional love, strength and intuition, will link the heart with the will, relieving worry and bringing through peace and joy.
This gentle coloured stone is believed to provide the wearer with spiritual growth, energy, inner knowledge and visualisation. It is also said the stone is great for meditation with its calm energy and is a gentle, nurturing stone. It cools down anger and helps to quieten restlessness, nervousness and worry. It releases emotional debris from the aura and connects the heart to nature and to the planet. It can facilitate the expression of emotions or thoughts and help one communicate in a non-judgemental way.
Key Benefits - Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing
Rose Quartz resonates with the Goddess Energy and is one of the foremost stones representing the Feminine Principle.
Rose quartz is the primarily the stone of love, for others and your self. It is calming for the mind, assisting one in releasing worry, fear and past emotional trauma. It allows us to be more open to receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness. It provides physical stability and strength to the heart.
It can stimulate the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra, bringing their vibrations in line with the heart's, as they beat as one, with the vibration of love and compassion.
Key Benefits: Life Force, Courage, Passion, Strength, Enthusiasm, Adventurousness, Protectiveness
The Ruby stone is known to energise and revitalise the mind, body and soul. This delicate yet powerful stone is know to boost confidence and strength making the wearer feel victorious and in control.
It is powerful for creating a shield against psychic attack, and will create clear visualization through its stimulation of the pineal gland. It will aid your sexuality and give you strength and help you to overcome exhaustion.
Ruby speaks of the sensual pleasures of life and teaches one to enjoy being in the physical world. It can help with recovery from past emotional or physical trauma, supporting healing and promoting vitality. Ruby instils courage and passion, and is a good ally for manifestation and reaching goals. It is very supportive of the base and sacral chakra and can assist with infertility.
Key Benefits: Increase in Inner and Outer Development, Awakening of the True Self, Joyful Engagement with Life, Healing, Increase in Life Force
Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It stimulates the heart and helps one to open to divine love. Zoisite helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat, and it is a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body’s defences and healing mechanisms. It is an energising healer on a physical level and is helpful for restoring vitality after radiation, chemotherapy or pharmaceutical treatments.
Ruby in Zoisite vibrates within both the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, both of which are the higher spiritual chakras. This energy will aid you to alter your consciousness, and to access your soul memory, to assist your spiritual learning. It will also enhance the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart, and this strong energy within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra encourages the mind to hear the desires of the heart.
Key Benefits: Programmable for Attunement, Amplification, Acceleration, Expanding Awareness, Quickening and Grounding Manifestation.
Rutilated Quartz integrates energy and is known as a healing stone. The Rutilated quartz is an excellent stone to wear in times of self-doubt, dark moods or looking for change. It is believed to cleanse and energise the soul and mind, heighten spiritual growth, promote well-being and filter negative energies. Its healing properties can be used to aid in respiratory difficulties, regenerate new cell growth and balancing stone to aid a sad heart. The wearer of the Rutilated Quartz can also benefit with enhanced creativity. It can also be used for meditation as it relaxes the mind and enhances psychic powers. By wearing a jewellery item with Rutilated Quartz is an easy way to keep the energy within your auric field for the longest period of time
It is a quite extraordinary stone that acts like an antennae to the Divine mind. It works within all chakras and is one of the seven stones that make up Super Seven or Melody's stone.
It aids you to tune into others and understand their intentions. It has strong amplification qualities, so is powerful to magnify the other qualities of stones that it is included within.
Key Benefits: Self-Healing, Regeneration, Wholeness, Angelic Connection
Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment, and will aid you in your self healing
It resonates with the angelic realm and its high frequency energy can stimulate Kundalini. It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, allowing new patterns to be created more easily. Seraphinite brings light into the body, expressing it through us as glowing health. It stimulates the flow and elasticity of ones emotional energy, releasing that which no longer serves and replacing it with a joyful, enlightening energy. It is an excellent stone for healing systemic imbalance or disease, and for cellular regeneration.
Key Benefits: Grounding, Transmutation of Negative Energy, Practicality, Organisation, Manifestation of one’s Dreams and Inspirations
Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful grounding and clearing stones available. It cleanses and clears the aura and energetic systems, grounding it for reprocessing by the Earth. Smoky Quartz is known to promote endurance. The wearer of a Smoky Quartz gemstone can benefit an extra boost in energy levels, enthusiasm and positivity. It is a strong psychic protection stone, that will both protect you from negativity, and transmute the negative energy by grounding it back down into the earth. A great stone to wear as jewellery, especially if you are doing any spiritual work or healing. In the practical and business world the Smoky Quartz can be used to counter the negative effects of radiation and electromagnetic fields, if placed around your desk/computer
Key Benefits: Wisdom, Protection, Inner Joy, Peace & Light, Prosperity
Sapphire restores balance within the body, aligning the physical, mental and spiritual planes, bringing serenity, peace of mind, joy, hope, faith and light, and opens the mind toward beauty and intuition. In pre-historic times Sapphire was used for protection by kings from harm and jealousy. Sapphire is a stone of prophetic wisdom, a magical crystal that can watch over human destiny. Sapphire is also known as a "stone of prosperity", attracting gifts of all kinds and fulfilling dreams and desires, especially if worn around the neck.
Key Benefits: Linkage of the Mind and Heart, Enhanced Spiritual Perception, Compassionate Self-Expression, Adherence to Truth
Tanzanite links the heart and the mind, allowing one to perceive situations, experiences and circumstances from the perspective of enlightened compassion. It can be used to help calm the overactive mind and generates an energy of happiness and relief from worries. Tanzanite facilitates the receiving of higher-vibrational information, and assists the interpretation and communication of this information from a place of heart- felt truth.
Due to its high vibration, this stone is great to use for healing. Its strong energies make it a powerful stone for spiritual growth, and as it allows the pure energy of the heart to link with the spirit and upper chakras, the result is a beautiful joy filled energy circle.
Key Benefits: Balance between Extremes, Discernment, Vitality, Strength, Practicality, Fairness
Tigers Eye works through all of the lower three chakras, and is an excellent stone for grounding as well as being a manifestation stone, which encourages abundance and prosperity. It is a solar stone of vitality, practicality and physical action. It helps to create harmony and balance between extreme view points or dualities, and is helpful in conflict or mediation. Tiger Eye helps us to take effective action in response to the needs and challenges of physical life.
Tigers Eye is known to empower the body by awakening the body’s senses and confidence. The Tiger eye is also known to awaken sexual energies, bring good luck and protect the wearer from negative influences. If you need to make some changes in your life, this is the stone for you. Tigers Eye is known to promote balance, strength and bestows decision making with clarity. If your are feeling uneasy, nervous, and suffer from anxiety, the stone can be worn to stabilize these feelings and give the wearer the confidence to continue with their day.
Key Benefits: Clears Negativity, Protects Aura, Spiritual Grounding
Tourmalinated Quartz is one of the most powerful stones for clearing out the negativity and rubbish in ones energy field. It restores balance and well-being and ‘washes’ one’s aura, assisting one to identify stagnant emotional patterns and then clearing them. The Black Tourmaline is purifying whilst the Quartz serves to amplify this. It aids clarity and can help one feel grounded and enlightened.
Key Benefits: Wholesome, Communication, Spiritual Expansion
Turquoise has long been associated with healing and protection powers. It promotes positive energy, strength, peace, good fortune and luck. It represents the wisdom that comes from all of life’s experiences. It reminds us that wholeness can only come when we are willing to embrace the totality of who we are and what we have learned. Turquoise is a stone of self forgiveness, self acceptance and the release of useless regrets.
Turquoise is a strong Throat Chakra stone. This lovely blue-green stone is becoming very hard to get in the natural form. The natural energy of these stones aids the manifestation of communicating truth.
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